Choosing the Right Insurance: How to Protect Your Assets

Let’s talk Insurance! Are you confident your current insurance coverage is sufficient to protect your most valuable assets? Insurance is not always an inviting environment to navigate, but safeguarding your assets is vitally important. If it’s your home or automobile, having comprehensive insurance policies in place can provide you with the peace of mind you desire and the financial protection in place to ensure longevity and financial security. Let’s explore the importance of choosing the best insurance policies and practices for your specific needs, how to protect your assets effectively, and the importance of re-evaluating your coverage on an annual basis.

Best Home Insurance: Protecting Your Property

We are willing to bet your home is your most valuable asset and it’s critical to have a comprehensive home insurance policy that provides adequate protection. With numerous options available, selecting the best home insurance policy can be daunting. To help you make an informed decision, let’s consider the following factors:

Coverage Limits

Ensure your policy covers the full cost of rebuilding your home in the event of a complete and total loss. It is worth your time to calculate the actual cost of rebuilding and don’t hesitate to err on the side of caution.


Make sure it’s comfy! Choose a deductible you can comfortably afford to pay out of pocket if you need to make a claim. Absolutely avoid stretching yourself too thin financially by selecting a deductible that aligns with your financial situation.

Additional coverage

Consider adding endorsements to your policy for valuables like jewelry, rare furniture, tools or if you operate a home-based business. Keeping a detailed record of valuable items can help you adjust your coverage annually and ensure you have sufficient protection.


Look for discounts offered by insurance providers for bundling your home and auto insurance policies. Many individuals overlook the potential savings from bundling, but it can make a big difference in your premiums.

protecting your family with insurance

Best Car Insurance: Protecting Your Vehicle

Like your home, your auto is likely another very valuable asset requiring adequate insurance coverage to protect it from the everyday risk of operation. There is a wide array of options available, and choosing proper coverage can be overwhelming. Consider the following factors when selecting your auto insurance.

Liability Coverage

Nobody likes a lawsuit. Ensure you have enough liability coverage to protect you in the event you find yourself in this situation. This is particularly important if you have an older paid-off vehicle or a second vehicle that isn’t heavily utilized.

Collision and comprehensive coverage

In my book, this is mandatory. Consider adding collision and comprehensive coverage to protect your vehicle from accidents, as well as damage from events like hail or theft. We all know Colorado has its surprises! These coverages can provide financial protection when those unexpected situations rear their ugly head.


Like your home, always be careful to select a deductible you can comfortably afford to pay out of pocket in the event of a claim. Choosing a proper deductible inside your means will help you manage the unexpected!


Keep your eye out for discounts insurance providers offer for safe driving, multiple cars, or bundling your auto and home insurance policies. Over time, taking advantage of these discounts can lead to significant savings.

car insurance protection

Insuring Proper Coverage Annually: Protect Your Assets

This isn’t set it and forget it! We aren’t talking about the latest air fryer here! Re-evaluating your insurance coverage is a crucial measure to ensure you have adequate protection for your most valuable assets. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure you a covered properly.

Review your policies

Review your home and auto insurance policies regularly to ensure they still meet your coverage needs. As your circumstances change, your insurance requirements will evolve as well.

Update your coverage

Life moves fast, things change, and we’re on the move! If you experience major life changes such as getting married, having children, or buying a new home you should update your coverage accordingly. Keeping your policies up to date guarantees you have the necessary protection in place for your new or current situation.

Shop Around

There are many insurance companies out there. Consult with a licensed insurance broker who has knowledge about the market trends, and can shop multiple insurance companies at once to find you the best rate and coverage. An insurance broker can help compare multiple insurance policies and companies to be sure you are getting the best coverage for your money.


Insurance Coverage Re-evaluation: Why it’s important

Most of us already have coverage in place but it’s critical to re-evaluate your policies annually. Why, you may ask… let’s explore.

Life Changes: Major life events such as marriage, kids, and new purchases can significantly impact your insurance needs. Re-evaluating your policies annually is just responsible adulting to cover your evolving needs.

Policy updates: Insurance companies regularly update their policies and coverage options and they aren’t going to shoot you a text to let you know. Staying in touch with these changes allows you to take advantage of any improvements or enhancements that may benefit you.

Real Estate Appreciation: With any luck, the value of your house is likely to increase over time. Re-evaluating your coverage ensures you’re adequately protecting your investments and capitalizing on the appreciation of your home.

Cost Savings: Re-evaluating your policies annually presents opportunities to find ways to save money on your premiums. Shopping around and comparing policies can help you identify discounts, better rates, or more cost-effective options.

Insurance Coverage Re-Evaluation: The Consequences of Failing to Act

Failing to re-evaluate your insurance policies annually can have serious consequences that may go unnoticed. Let’s walk through what could happen.


Paying more than necessary is a quick way to tarnish your financial goals. Insurance rates can rise and fall year to year, and failing to keep up with these changes could result in overpaying for your insurance coverage. Regularly re-evaluate your policies and be certain you are getting the best rates available and saving your hard-earned cash.

Underinsured or uninsured

As your life circumstances change, so do your insurance needs. Failure to re-evaluate your policies can leave you with insufficient coverage, especially if you’ve added new drivers or valuable items to your home or auto. Without proper coverage, you risk financial loss in the event of an accident or a disaster.

Missed opportunities for discounts

Limited-time offers! Insurance providers often offer discounts for various reasons, such as good driving habits, home security systems, or bundling policies. By neglecting to re-evaluate your policies annually, you may miss out on these opportunities to save money. Regularly reviewing your coverage allows you to take advantage of any eligible discounts and potentially reduce your premiums even further.

So, what have we learned?

Choosing the right insurance policies and regularly re-evaluating your coverage are critical steps to protecting your assets and securing your financial well-being. Whether you own a home, auto, or both, comprehensive insurance coverage provides you with peace of mind, adequate protection, financial prosperity, and protection against unforeseen circumstances. Keeping this article in mind as you grow your assets will help you make informed decisions when selecting insurance policies, protecting your assets effectively, and saving money (for that new boat). Don’t leave your assets vulnerable – review your insurance policies and ensure you have the coverage you need!





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